About Student Support Service
Each and every student is equally significant and important to us. As such, the College will constantly strive to provide the necessary support to each and every student, so as to ensure that all our student's needs, are suitably looked after and taken care of.
Lecturer-Student Ratio
In general, our lecturer-student ratio maintains at 1:40. During the COVID-19 Pandemic Phase, we have reduced the ratio to 1:25 to ensure better attention and concern for our students

Printing & Photocopy
Service available at main office with charges involved.

Sports Equipment Rental
Loan of equipment such as soccer ball, basketball, tennis balls, yoga mats and etc.

General Counselling
When applicable, assistance to all Students to help them adapt to the environment or seek other support services.

Career Guidance
Career guidance programmes to assist learners to proceed to higher education.

Advice & Services
Advice or services on accommodation and medical options for all students,

Programs & Activities
Enrichment programs and activities are available for all students.

Collaboration with Guardians
Close collaboration with guardians for students no exceeding 18 years of age.
Student Orientation
We conduct orientation before classes start to welcome all newly-enrolled students to disseminate and reiterate the following:
- IMSC’s Vision, Mission, Values and Culture;
- IMSC’s location(s) and a general description of the facilities and infrastructures;
- Application requirements and procedures;
- Aspirations of the prospective students with the course learning outcomes;
- Types of certification awarded at the end of the course (certificate/diploma/advanced diploma/degree/master/etc.);
- Opportunities for further education after graduation and job prospect after graduation;
- Total payable fee throughout the course duration. Fees shall be transparent so that there are no hidden costs;
- Fee Protection Scheme adopted by IMSC, payment methods and schedule;
- Student contract clauses;
- Refund Policy;
- Transfer, Withdrawal and Deferment Policy;
- Student support services available;
- Course admission requirements and any exemption (if applicable);
- Course modules and outlines;
- Course duration and assessment schedules;
- Promotion and award criteria, including any special condition ;
- IMSC’s response time for feedback/complaint/grievance received and to resolve the feedback/complaint/grievance (within 21 working days) to the prospective students;
- Reference to IMSC’s website for course syllabi and module synopsis; and
- Reference to CPE’s official website (https://www.ssg.gov.sg/cpe/pei.html) for more details.