What Are Your Options After ‘O’ level
Concerned that your teen will have to make a major decision following the mid-January release of the O-Level results?
If your child did well on the O-Levels, he or she will have the luxury of choice, which is an issue that can be managed amicably by anyone. On the other hand, if your child has underperformed, you will need to assist him or her in overcoming disappointment and making decisions. Whatever circumstance your kid is in, it’s important to keep in mind that our career paths in Singapore are not determined by our time in school, for example, 50% of Singaporeans have employment unrelated to their degrees!
What will be the best course of action for your teen moving forward? The choices are listed below.
- Choosing between the International Baccalaureate (IB) and the A-Levels
- Choosing between a Junior college or Polytechnic
- Deciding on areas of interest for JC or polytechnic courses
- Choosing a course at the Institute of Technical Education (ITE)
- Choosing a course in a Private Education Institute (PEI)
Please read the most recent Joint Admissions Exercise information pamphlet published by the Ministry of Education for reference. (Click here for the 2023 booklet.) All O-Level students should read this pamphlet, which includes details on junior colleges, the Millennia Institute, polytechnic universities, and the Institute of Technical Education (ITE).
O-Level Results 2023: How to Help Your Teen Choose Schools?
More details on the above can be found here
O-Level outcomes fall short of expectations? Here’s what can you do!
Understand that your potential is not defined by your results.
- Consider retaking your ‘O’ levels
- Take a Foundation Course
- Slow down and study in a Centralised Institute
- Poly Early Admissions Exercise
More details on the above can be found here
Options at IMSC with an ‘O’ level Certification
- Certificate in Fitness Management
- Upon Completion, you will be able to enrol into Diploma in Sports Science and Management, which is part of our Degree Pathway Programme (3 years).
- Diploma in Sports Science and Coaching
– https://www.kiasuparents.com/kiasu/article/o-level-results-2023-choose-schools/
– https://www.kiasuparents.com/kiasu/article/what-to-do-after-the-o-levels-in-singapore/
– https://digitalsenior.sg/o-level/
– https://www.moe.gov.sg/news/press-releases/20230105-release-of-2022-singapore-cambridge-gce-o-level-examination-results-and-2023-joint-admissions-exercise